The ongoing war in Ukraine has shifted OEP’s scope within the EU4Skills programme together with the Finnish National Agency for Education, from modernization of Ukrainian TVET to supporting Ukrainians under extremely challenging conditions. Last week of April marked the launching of the first virtual Open Learning Café .
Open Learning Café is a series of online events for the students of Ukrainian VET institutions, who are currently challenged in continuing their studies. Objective of the Open Learning Café events is to provide the students a possibility to meet each other and international students, and to discuss study themes shared by students of all occupations and nationalities. Since launching the Open Learning Café, over 300 students have gathered to discuss, share experiences, and learn from each other.
The facilitator of the Open Learning Café, a vocational teacher and social psychologist Jenni Huopainen shared her feelings after the second online event: “As one of the five themes of the learning café this spring, today we introduced ourselves into the fascinating world of different people in teams, from a temperament and personality point of view. The students got a glimpse of the topic and worked together in small groups to discover specific temperament traits valued in Ukrainian culture! A wonderful bunch of traits were discovered and shared among the learning café participants in our AnswerGarden! We are waiting for the next session with “Future working life skills – anticipating and getting creative!”
Please contact for more information OEP’s Learning and Language Coordinator Darya Zhagina: